AIVatar Studio

A global talent agency representing safe and rational models, actors, and actresses generated by AI.

Top Models

<AI Models: A New Era of Visual Expression>

The future of media is adorned by AI models, the crystallization of technology and creativity. Developed by AIVatar Studio's cutting-edge AI technology, these realistic and emotional models perfectly fit any project, from photos to commercials and movies. With diversityals and movies. With diversity and flexibility, our AI models can meet any visual needs. Why not make an AI model the face of your next campaign?

<AI Models: A New Era of Visual Expression>

<AI and Human Hybrid Models (2.5D AI Models)>

Coming Soon...

<What We Do>

Real Static Image Content Creation with AI Models

Utilizing AI models for visual content creation in various scenes, including the fashion industry, to provide realistic and attractive static images.

Real Video Content Creation with AI Models

Introducing AI models into the production of various video contents, such as corporate introductions and product promotion videos, to achieve realistic and emotionally rich visuals.

SNS Management Services

Enhancing your online presence with AI-driven SNS management. Elevating brand value with effective SNS strategies.